Communication Forum for Timorese Women.
Forum Komunikasaun ba feto timor loro sa'e.
FOKUPERS was established in 1997 to address gender based violence and human rights violations against women and children, particularly those committed at the time of the Indonesian occupation of Timor Leste.
Today, this community based not-for-profit organisation has been operating for almost twenty years and has expanded its service delivery to include victim services, non-gender based early childhood education, advocacy, and the empowerment of women - both in the community and in Timor Leste as a nation.
This work is supported through the involvement of thirty one community based women’s groups in eight municipalities. It incorporates the operation of shelters, creches, legal support, training and development, economic empowerment, and community awareness raising.

Marilia da Silva Alves
Executive Director
Diretór Ezekutivu
FOKUPERS harii iha tinan 1997 hodi rezolve violénsia bazeia ba jéneru no violasaun direitus umanus ne'ebé hasoru feto no labarik, liu-liu sira-ne'ebé sai vitima iha tempu okupasaun Indonézia nian iha Timor-Leste.
Ohin loron, Organizasaun non lukrativo ho baze iha komunidade ezisti ona durante tinan ruanulu nia laran no habelar ninia prestasaun servisu, inklui servisu asistensia ba vitima, edukasaun infansia sedu naun violensia no Igualdade jéneru,
advokasia no hakbi'it feto sira-iha komunidade no iha Timor-Leste hanesan nasaun ida.
Serbisu ne'e hetan apoiu hosi envolvimentu grupu feto iha komunidade tolu-nulu resin ida iha munisípiu ualu. Ida-neʼe inklui
operasaun kona-ba uma mahon, creches, apoiu legál, formasaun no dezenvolvimentu, empoderamentu ekonómiku no hasa'e konxiénsia komunidade.

Our Mission
FOKUPERS' mission is to end violence, starting from individuals and moving to an institutional level, through the movement to empower women in all aspects with integrated services, so that women and men are aware, understand, and have the skills to overcome the problems of injustice and gender inequality.
FOKUPERS' mission is to end violence, starting from individuals and moving to an institutional level, through the movement to empower women in all aspects with integrated services, so that women and men are aware, understand, and have the skills to overcome the problems of injustice and gender inequality.
Our Objectives
Strategic Objective 1
The survivor of gender-based violence (GBV) makes her own decisions for her family, social, and economic life.
Strategic Objective 2
Women and men in a family respect each other, divide roles, and live peacefully to participate actively in community development.
Strategic Objective 3
A strong advocacy network to ensure that leaders make laws and policies that guarantee the rights of Timorese women, and allocate enough funding for implementation.
Objetivu Estratéjiku sira 1
Sobrevivénsia kona-ba violénsia bazeia ba jéneru (VBJ) halo ninian desizaun ba moris familia, sosiál no ekonómiku.
Objetivu Estratéjiku 2
Feto no mane iha família ida respeita malu, fahe knaar, no atu partisipa ativamente iha dezenvolvimentu komunidade moris ho dame.
Objetivu Estratéjiku 3
Rede advokasia ne'ebé forte atu garante katak lider halo lei no polítika ne'ebé garante direitu feto sira ne'ebé timor-Leste, no aloka natoton finansiamentu ba implementasaun.
Our Principles
FOKUPERS has adopted principles that firmly govern its activities, and which it aims to achieve within society including:
- human rights;
- gender equality;
- peace and solidarity;
- women’s empowerment for independence;
- non-discrimination;
- non-violence; and
- non-exploitation.
FOKUPERS adopta ona prinsípiu katak metin regula ninia atividade, no ne'ebé hakarak atu hetan iha sosiedade ne'ebé inklui:
- direitus umanus;
- igualdade jéneru;
- dame no solidariedade;
- hakbiit feto ba independênsia;
- naun-diskriminasaun;
- non-violénsia; no
- naun-esplorasaun.