1. Victims of GBV are able to believe in themselves.
Vítima vbj sira bele fiaR-AN.
Between 2013 and 2016, FOKUPERS conducted 20 discussions regarding gender, human rights, GBV, DV, reproductive health, rights to land and property, legal information and civil law suits, for a total of 947 victims living in the shelters and at their own homes.
Over the past 4 years, Fokupers has provided accomodation for 656 women and 377 children accompanying them at the shelters and safe houses. Fokupers has then re-integrated 78% of the victims.
During their stay at the FOKUPERS shelter or safe houses, 785 victims have had access to individual counselling conducted in Dili, Maliana, Suai and Liquiça to help them to reduce their trauma and begin to recover.
Entre tinan 2013 no kona-ba tinan 2016, FOKUPERS hala'o diskusaun 20 kona-ba jéneru, direitus umanus, VBJ, VD, saúde reprodutiva, direitu ba rai no propriedade, informasaun ne ' ebé legál no lei sivil ne‟ebé ipóteze, total vítima 947 ne ' ebé hela iha uma mahon ba ne'e no iha sira-nia uma.
Iha tinan kotuk 4, Fokupers fó accomodation 656 feto no labarik 377 ne ' ebé akompaña iha uma mahon no uma mahon. Fokupers ona ho ida-neʼe fila fali integradu 78% hosi vítima.
Durante sira-nia permanénsia iha FOKUPERS hela-fatin ka uma mahon, vítima sira ne ' ebé 785 iha ona asesu ba área ida-idak ne ' ebé hala'o iha Dili, Maliana, Suai no Liquiça atu ajuda sira atu hamenus sira nia trauma no hahú atu haree.
To develop life skills, Fokupers conducted activities for survivors to use in their own communities. For example, training to prepare medicine from local materials was conducted at the Dili Shelter each week.
2. Women assisted have increased control over economic resources.
Feto sira ne'ebé fó asisténsia ba aumenta kontrolu kona-ba rekursu ekonómiku.
ince 2013, 21 Women’s Livelihood Groups formed with a total of 342 members (target 600) in 7 municipalities: Liquiça, Ermera, Same, Bobonaro, Covalima, Viqueque and Dili.
With these groups, Fokupers conduted training with group members around agricultural activities, marketing training, and financial planning training.
Recently 4 Women’s Groups suggestions were submitted into the PDD/Development Plan.
Hahú tinan 2013, Feto 21 Balansu forma Grupu ho totál membru 342 (alvu 600) iha munisípiu 7: Likisá, Ermera, Hanesan, Bobonaro, Covalima, Viqueque no Dili.
Ho sira-ne'e grupu, Fokupers conduted formasaun ho membru grupu ne ' ebé iha atividade agrikultura, komersializasaun no formasaun formasaun planeamentu finanseiru.
Foin lalais ne'e 4 Feto nia Grupu sujestaun sira aprezenta ona iha Planu PDD/Dezenvolvimentu.

3. Advocacy for women's rights has increased.
Advokasia kona-ba direitu feto nian aumenta ona.
Between 2013 and 2016, a total of 22 Advocacy Network Institutions provided support for advocacy undertaken by FOKUPERS. The Advocacy Network has already been successful in pressuring the government to follow up on the 71% of cases pending in the courts.
The Referral Network established by FOKUPERS in Bobonaro, Covalima, Ermera and Liquiça continues to provide coordinated support to victims of GBV in their areas. Currently directly managed by the Ministry of Social Solidarity (MSS), the Referral Network at the municipal level includes members such as the focal points from SEM, the VPU/ PNTL, local, national and international NGOs working together to increase the numbers of GBV victims seeking assistance and further improving the support systems for victims/survivors.
Over the past four years, FOKUPERS has conducted training in areas of trauma healing, leadership, grassroots organising, marketing, shelter management, legal skills, and more.
Iha tinan 4 liu ba, ativista 34 sai formadór sira ba asuntu LKVD no GRB. Komunikasaun Sosiál Kampaña hodi hasa'e feto no sosiedade sivíl sira-nia koñesimentu importante hala'o ona durante tinan haat liubá ho publikasaun rua FOKUPERS'; 'Hatutan' (edisaun 15, edisaun 250 kópia ida-idak) no 'Babadok' (edisaun 14 ho 500 copies edisaun ida-idak). Iha mós ona edisaun espesiál rua kona-ba 'Sobrevivénsia Faktu' (250 kópia ida-idak edisaun).
Iha distritu, sira koalia kona-ba jéneru, VBJ, asisténsia ne ' ebé bele fornese, saúde reprodutiva, direitu sira ne ' ebé seksuál, no Lei Kontra Violénsia Doméstika, iha ona hala'o diskusaun ba povu 3,419 (2,075 feto no mane sira ne ' ebé 1,344) ba tinan haat liubá iha nian Munisípiu nian Dili (inklui Atauro), Bobonaro, Covalima, Ermera, Liquiça, Viqueque, Manatutu no Manufahi. Atividade ida ne'e mak halo parseria ho Ministériu Saúde, SEM no MSS.

4. Increased awareness of women in civil society.
Aumenta koñesimentu kona-ba feto sira iha sosiedade sivil.
Over the last 4 years, 34 activists became trainers for LADV and GRB issues. Media Campaigns to increase women’s and civil society’s critical awareness have been conducted over the past four years with FOKUPERS' two publications; 'Hatutan' (15 editions, 250 copies each edition) and 'Babadok' (14 editions with 500 copies each edition). There has also been two special editions of 'Survivor Facts' (250 copies each edition).
Discussions in the districts about gender, GBV, assistance that can be provided, reproductive health, sexual rights, and the Law Against Domestic Violence, has been conducted for 3,419 people (2,075 women and 1,344 men) over the past four years in the Municipalities of Dili (including Atauro), Bobonaro, Covalima, Ermera, Liquiça, Viqueque, Manatutu and Manufahi. This activity was partnered with the Ministry of Health, SEM and MSS.
Entre tinan 2013 no kona-ba tinan 2016, FOKUPERS hala'o diskusaun 20 kona-ba jéneru, direitus umanus, VBJ, VD, saúde reprodutiva, direitu ba rai no propriedade, informasaun ne ' ebé legál no lei sivil ne‟ebé ipóteze, total vítima 947 ne ' ebé hela iha uma mahon ba ne'e no iha sira-nia uma.
Iha tinan kotuk 4, Fokupers fó accomodation 656 feto no labarik 377 ne ' ebé akompaña iha uma mahon no uma mahon. Fokupers ona ho ida-neʼe fila fali integradu 78% hosi vítima.
Durante sira-nia permanénsia iha FOKUPERS hela-fatin ka uma mahon, vítima sira ne ' ebé 785 iha ona asesu ba área ida-idak ne ' ebé hala'o iha Dili, Maliana, Suai no Liquiça atu ajuda sira atu hamenus sira nia trauma no hahú atu haree.
Sexual health education was initiated for 257 participants in secondary schools, including information about STDs and family planning discussions.
5. Non-violent and gender sensitive early childhood education established.
Non-violénsia jéneru infánsia sedu sensitivu edukasaun no estabelese.
Four institutions - Mary Mackillop, Alola Foundation, Childfund, and the Ministry of Education – are using or have adapted the curriculum from FOKUPERS for their early childhood programs. The approach using gender balance and non-violence at FOKUPERS’ Child Care Centre (CCC) was adopted as the National Curriculum in 2014 for early childhood education in Timor-Leste and by 2015 was implemented throughout Timor-Leste at all pre-schools.
Over the past four years, the CCC team have become experts in early childhood education, that is conducted without violence and promotes gender equality.
Technical Preschool Skills Training was provided to teachers from the Ministry of Education, they supported teaching materials and school meals, and maintenance of creche facilities.
Instituisaun haat Mary Mackillop, Fundasaun Alola, Childfund no Ministériu Edukasaun – sira uza ka adapta ba kurríkulu FOKUPERS husi sira-nia programa infánsia sedu. Abordajen ne ' ebé uza balansu jéneru no naun-violensia iha FOKUPERS' Labarik Matan Sentru (CCC) adopta hanesan Kurríkulu Nasionál iha tinan 2014 ba edukasaun infánsia sedu iha Timor-Leste no tinan 2015 mak implementa iha Timor-Leste iha pré eskolas.
Durante tinan haat nia laran, ekipa CCC sai espesialista iha edukasaun infánsia sedu nian, ne'ebé sei hala'o lahó violénsia no promove igualdade jéneru.
Abilidade Formasaun pré-Eskolár téknika mak fornese ba profesór sira husi Ministériu Edukasaun nian, sira suporta materiál hanorin no refeisaun eskola, no manutensaun ba fasilidade creche.

6. More legal assistance available for women.
Liu tan asisténsia legál disponivel ba feto sira.
FOKUPERS has assisted women before, during, and after court their court cases.
PU/PNTL, the Public Ministry, Public Defenders and Courts have expressed their appreciation for these services provided by FOKUPERS. They see that victims/survivors that receive accompaniment have the courage to be able to express their testimony clearly, making it easy to process their cases.
Nearly half of the children assisted by FOKUPERS have been able to get alimony from their fathers by legal recourse. This has greatly helped their mothers to ensure that they have proper food, access to education, and health services.
FOKUPERS apoia ona feto antes, durante no hafoin court sira-nia kazu ba tribunál.
PU/PNTL, Ministériu Públiku, Defensór Públiku no Tribunál sira hato'o sira nia apresiasaun ba servisu hirak ne ' ebé fornese hosi FOKUPERS. Sira haree katak vítima/sobrevivente ne ' ebé simu akompañamentu iha sira-nia aten-brani atu sira bele hato'o sira-nia sasin klaru katak, halo fasil ba prosesu sira-nia kazu.
Kuaze metade ne ' ebé labarik sira ne ' ebé hetan asisténsia husi FOKUPERS seidauk konsege hetan sasán husi sira-nia aman husi rekursu jurídiku. Ida-neʼe mak fó ajuda ba sira-nia inan atu garante katak sira iha adekuadu ai-han, asesu ba edukasaun, no servisu saúde nian.